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We all have heard W.B. Yeats saying- “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” Well, as a ‘Priest-teacher’, I do feel myself immensely privileged to imply and instill the words from the depth of my heart into my dear students right from their grassroots.

‘To Plant and Nurture’ is the prime motto of our institution. However, it’s not only the planting that I focus more than the latter one, as both of the processes are of utmost importance. Just like a toddler’s first tumbling is well looked after by its ‘creator’, just like a mother’s first smile when she witnesses the first walk of her ‘creation’, I feel the happiest person in the world to fulfill God’s wishes when I see my dedicated teachers working day and night to provide maximum support and guidance like a cool shade of a tree to our students, be it a child of nursery or any higher class.

We all know it’s not education alone which creates you a perfect countryman but the inner depth of your feelings for people, your unconditional love and emotion towards the downtrodden ones and the urgency to serve for your country by wiping the tears from the eyes of people and instilling everlasting smile upon their faces. That’s what God wants from us, and that’s exactly what we, as an unbreakable unit with the teachers, try our best to direct to our learners. After all, it’s not only your educational certificates but also your confidence, enthusiasm and discipline as a person which would show your morality towards life.

We always stress upon the perfect nurturing of our students by imparting attributive knowledge to them and providing ideal nourishment of moral values which would definitely make them the ideal sons of our Mother India in the future days to come.

All the best…..!

Fr. Sebastian Munduvelil CMI
Principal, K.E. Carmel School behala

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